
So we, though many, are one body in Christ.
Romans 12:5

As a church community, we at the Spring City United Methodist Church worship, study, and fellowship together.

Worship – This is our primary time to gather as the Body of Christ. (See Worship page)

Sunday School – Classes for all ages and interests.  Every Sunday at 9:45 AM. (See Sunday School page)

Bible Study Classes – These classes will vary in subject matter and duration but are open to all those who are interested. (See Bible Study page)

Homecoming – What has now become an annual Homecoming Sunday began as a special gathering of the Methodists in the Spring City area to celebrate the bicentennial of the church in 1984. The following year we celebrated the centennial of the Spring City church with a homecoming picnic and again included the other churches. From that beginning, the picnic was scheduled at Rhea Springs Park Pavilion in September. It is now held in our Family Life Center and has evolved into an occasion to celebrate with old friends and new friends in good fellowship.